PPG Minutes - December 2023 





  • Julie Mayall (JM) (PM and chair)
  • Jemma Perryman (JP)


  • Kensington Road First Floor Waiting Room


  • Signing-in sheet was circulated

Actions from last meeting:

  • Unfortunately, we are unable to hold the PPG meetings in the evenings due to our business insurance.
  • Phone provider- we are currently in the process of looking into this to see the possibilities for the phone message music to be interrupted with a message.
  • Changed the message to a male voice.

Staff Update (Reception Manager/Nursing):

  • Rose our Practice Nurse has now retired.
  • We have a new nurse joining the team in the new year, Charlene.
  • Jade our other Practice Nurse is going to be leaving for her maternity leave the beginning of January.
  • Shirley our previous Assistant Manager has left us, however we have successfully recruited Ellen our newly appointment Reception Manager.

Property Update:

  • In the process of changing hands – more information will follow

Feedback from Open Day

  • Open day was held on 4/11/2023, the feedback from this was very positive. People found it to be useful on the update of all our new staff and roles.
  • It was suggested that maybe we do one every six months, which will allow patients to be kept up to date with any changes being made within the practice.
  • Another member suggested to putting posters up in the community Hubs/Library next time to reach a wider audience.
  • Julie explained that the ECHO did a piece on the open day, this will be added to the minutes for all to see.


  • To send the ECHO piece out with the munities. JEM

CQC Update/Feedback

  • The interim report from CQC has been received – draft result was ‘Needs Improvement’ but not over all categories. The patient survey from Jan – April 2023 played a historic party to our results.. Also, the Medicines management over the past 7+ years had let the practice down, again this was a historic issue.
  • Dr Latif explained that this was an expected visit, due to the change in partnership. But since July we have massively improved, increase of 33% on available appointments. It is worth noting that since late 2022 CQC have started to visit practice in Coventry once again, the most recent two visits apart from Kensington Road both resulting in “needs improvement.”

 Christmas times/script ordering times

  • Christmas Shut Down. Closed Monday 25th - Opening back up on Wednesday 27th
  • Closed Monday 3rd Jan- Opening back up Wednesday 5th Jan.


  • POD- The Pod is going at some point at the beginning 2024. Ideally no scripts to be given over the counter. Try to encourage patients to use the NHS app to order scripts going forward. (QR Code)
  • There is ongoing work in the background by our pharmacist to move all acute items (again a historic problem) onto repeat which will allow all patients to order through the app.
  • Blood results- change in process- If it s a normal result, this will be filled to patient record- no contact required. If its abnormal the GP will contact patient with results. All bloods can also be seen on the NHS App.
  • Flu- We have our flu delivery early this year and have given all our jabs out and have hit our target.
  • Paramedic- one appointment=one problem. Suggested that reception should mention this on the phone upon booking.
  • It was asked about our Cancer care policy- Dr Latif explained how our cancer care reviews work within primary care.


  • Investigate QR code for NHS app to assist in script ordering.
  • Look at sending a text to all patients advising on the POD and moving onto the NHS App.
Date of Next Meeting: Thursday 22nd February 2024 1pm