PPG Minutes - February 2024





  • Julie Mayall (JEM) (PM and chair)
  • Jemma Perryman - from home (JP) (Clinical coder & Adult Safeguarding Co-Ordinator)
  • Mrs Ellen Richardson (ER) – (Reception Manager)

Welcome and Introductions 

NHS App discussion and hand out:

  • Ellen Handed out to all members the information on the hot hubs available to assist patients in signing up for the NHS App if requiring help to do so.
  • Julie mentioned that the surgery would like patients to use the hot hubs for help ideally at first, however there may be an option to set up small clinics for small groups of patients here in surgery if needed to.
  • It was discussed that if you share an email with a spouse/partner, then one of you will need to set up a new email to be able to access the NHS app individually as you are required to have an individual email address to be able to access the NHS app for confidentiality purposes. 

New prescription ordering process

Box in reception emptied at 12 and 4:

  • This was discussed and explained to all, discussed that either the green repeat slip, or a handwritten note with medication being requested and patients details on can be placed into the box. 

Chemists can still order for frail and elderly:

  • Explained that nothing will change here, that the chemist will still order to these patients on their behalf. 

Can request via app or via website:

  • This takes up back to the use of the NHS app to be able to order repeat medication.

Texts to patients – discussion as recently some are missing etc (blood test forms etc):

  • This was briefly explained by Julie, we have some clinicians that may have noticed that a patient may require an annual blood test, and have been sending messages directly to patients to ask them to pick the form up from reception. However, on arrival of the surgery, said Blood forms are not ready for collection. This is something that we as a surgery will ensure the forms are printed before the patients arrives to collect.


  • Julie to speak with clinicians to make sure that in-house they are informing staff to make sure this is actioned ready for the patients to collect. 


Where are we will moving all medications onto repeats, to allow patients to order from the app?

This is work that is still going on in the background with our inhouse pharmacist, as it is historical, it is a time consuming task, however it is still being worked on, and our aim is to have everyone sorted with this asap.


  • Our report is now available to view on the CQC website. Julie explained a little about the report: ‘Needs Improvement’ This again was due to historical factors such as the Medication Management and the Patient feedback which we received 2022/2023. Once everyone has had a chance to look at the report, any questions please reach out, as we will be more than happy to answer any questions.

The building:

  • It was asked by a member if we would be considering at all to maybe put a lick of pain around the waiting rooms, as both waiting rooms seem very depressing. Julie explained that at the moment it all falls down to priority however she will speak to Dr Latif. 

Advertise staff:

  • It was asked if we could promote our staff a little more in detail. What each team member specialises in, which in turn will allow patients to have more of an idea who they may wish to book in with.

May Day Festival:

  • Once every year Earlsdon hold their may day festival. Maybe a nice idea for Kensington to have a stall which will allow us to get our selves out there and to be able to meet patients face to face. Maybe even have a few clinicians join on the day too. To contact the Earlsdon Echo to be able to reserve a place.

Measles update:

  • We are updated from NHS England twice a week with any important updates. It has changed from an outbreak to a campaign which means we are able to vaccinate any of our patients in house here at the surgery. Measles is more prolific than COVID was, so it’s a must that if you were born before 1990 you would have only had one dose of the vaccine, so its suggested that you book into have a second dose to enable you to be fully vaccinated. 


  • Julie to discuss with Dr Latif about the possibility of painting the waiting rooms and see what she thinks?
  • Julie to discuss with Dr Latif about the possibility of painting the waiting rooms and see what she thinks?
  • Contact the Earlsdon Echo regarding the May Day Festival.
Date of Next Meeting: Thursday 16th May 1pm - All agenda items to be submitted to Julie one week prior.