PPG Minutes - October 2023





  • Julie Mayall, (PM and chair)
  • Jemma Perryman (Adult Safeguarding Co-Ordinator)
  • Sonia Bargota (Clinical Pharmacist)
  • Carole
  • Maureen 
  • Martin
  • Stuart
  • Rachael
  • Nathalie
  • Jane
  • Zaid

Welcome and Introductions 

  • Julie welcomed all to the first meeting of the PPG. Signing in sheet was circulated


  • Julie informed the meetings that no fire alarm testing was due and any alarm sounding, people should make way to nearest exit and fire assembly point

Frequency of meetings:

  • After brief discussion it was felt that bimonthly would be fine for now – mins of meeting to be circulated to PPG members prior to publication.
  • A question was asked if there would be a possibility for the meetings to be held in the evenings?
  • Julie did explain that we are unable to have anyone on the premises after core workings hours for insurance purposes.
  • However, communication will be made with all members of the group to see if there is a better time that suit everyone.


  • Julie to ballot PPG members on times of meeting
  • Julie to circulate draft mins for approval

Role of the Chair – Revolving?

  • Agreed that for now Julie and staff would note take and see how it goes but open to discussion in future
  • All at the meeting consented to share forenames of the public mins of meetings to publish on website and in paper format in surgery.

Standing Items:

  • On all agendas – Update on staffing/property

Update on Kensington Road Appointed Staff

Kensington Road is now a single-handed practice with only one Practice Director, Dr Huma Latif.

  • Update on all new staff, Salaried GP, ANP, Paramedic and AARS roles. (All AARS roles explained) Photos of all clinical staff are now presented on a board in the downstairs reception area. PPG member felt that it would be helpful for the role of the paramedic and its limits (ie ordering scans/blood) be better communicated to our patient population. Julie felt this was an excellent idea and will consider how this can be done. Julie will telephone the surgery phone provider to see if it is possible to put a message on that interrupts the music while a call in on hold


  • Julie to speak to phone provider 
  • Julie discussed our improvement on access, from baseline data gathered compared to three months ago the surgery apmts have increased by 33% There has been a vast improvement also in the waiting time on the phone for patients, down from the average of 40/60 minutes to 5-10 minutes.
  • Julie also expanded on the GPIP (General Practice Improvement Programme) in conjunction with NHSE (National Health Service England) that the surgery is working with. The program looks at data driven evidence, clear job standards and reception signposting amongst many other categories.
  • It has also been suggested by one of our GP’s that face-to-face appointments are 15 Minutes instead of 10. Julie explained that it should be one apmt/one problem, however some patients present with many having not booked a double slot. Wishing to accommodate our patient population the surgery has listened to GP feedback, and we are now currently trialling 15 min face to face apmts during the month of October.
  • It was then explained to the group about sign-posting and how reception staff are taught to ask questions on the phone to be able to sign post the patient to the correct practitioner. In order to get the correct patient to the correct clinician, which in turn then allows the GP’s to have more availability to see the more chronic cases rather than acute medical issues.
  • A member of the group suggested that it may be beneficial that the reception team have a little more training when it comes to sign posting to other clinicians. Julie agreed and informed the meeting that this was in progress and that NHSE are holding Care Navigation training shortly which reception staff will be enrolled onto.
  • It was noted that we will try to get a clinical member of the team to attend each PPG meeting. 

Update on plans for Kensington Road Property

  • An update on the plans for Kensington Road Surgery property were explained - The plans in the near future are to hopefully expand the building to allow for more clinic rooms on the ground floor to better facilitate access. The surgery had considered new premises but wished to remain in the local area to serve the population.

 General discussion on plans going forward with PPG

  • A group member who is also a member of Coventry Healthwatch, informed the PPG how Kensington Road is improving and sees the ongoing plans and discussions as positive and heading in the right direction. Explained how Healthwatch is here to help and works closely alongside the other Health organisations.
  • Other PPG members commented on their positive interactions with the surgery lately, involving appointments/call waiting and could see improvements were happening.
  • Julie thanked the members for their comments, acknowledging that change takes time but Dr Latif and herself are committed to the surgery and continuing its development.

Open Day at Kensington Road

  • Planned for 4th November 10 – 1 – all welcome, aim is to positively relaunch the surgery under its new management and introduce new roles.
  • ECHO local paper has been in touch and permission give to use Dr Latif Photograph.



  • Kensington Road has recently completed a CQC inspection which it found to be a most positive experience.
  • No score as yet.

Sonia – Clinical Pharmacist:

  • Sonia explained a little on the CPCS (Clinical pharmacist consultation service) and how this works and runs alongside the surgery as an extra service. 

PCN and ARRS roles in General Practice:

  • Julie explained to the PPG about PCN’s (Primary Care Networks) – a group of practices working together and sharing clinical staff.
  • This is from money drawn down from NHSE for the purpose of employing staff that can be shared between surgeries. At present the surgery has the following ARRS (Additional Role Reimbursement Scheme). Money does not flow down to general practice.
  1. 2 x Paramedics that cover clinics and our 2 care homes
  2. 1 x Mental Health Worker – biweekly
  3. 3 x Social Prescribers – to assist patients with claims/signpost to age concern etc.
  4. 1 x Clinical Pharmacist – 3.5 days per week
Date of Next Meeting: Thursday 7th December 1pm - All agenda items to be submitted to Julie one week prior.